Why Clearing Clutter Is Good for You

233 Pending Rd living room

Decluttering might not seem like a particularly important job. Most of us think of it as a superficial task that helps us create a more beautiful space. But, believe it or not, clutter affects everything from your memory to your productivity. Beyond just giving us that proud feeling of having a neat and organised home, managing clutter affects countless aspects of both our mental and physical health.

To inspire you to tackle your overpacked closet or crowded junk drawer, let’s look at the transformative power of decluttering. Whether you want to reduce stress and anxiety or improve your sleep, you can find solace in this surprisingly simple act.

Ready to ditch the clutter and embrace a calmer, healthier, and more organised you? Keep reading!

How Clutter Triggers Stress and Anxiety

If you feel anxious when your space is a mess, you’re not alone! In fact, neuroscientists have found clutter can impact numerous aspects of your life including your diet, productivity, mental health, parenting, and even your level of generosity. And it makes sense. After all, our brains crave order and, when we don’t have that, we’re simply not our best selves.

Here are a few ways that a cluttered home can affect your brain.

  • Sensory Overload: Clutter bombards your senses with visual stimuli and that forces your brain to work overtime processing everything. This constant input makes it harder for you to focus and relax.
  • Decision Fatigue: Clutter can feel like unfinished business. Every pile of papers or overflowing drawer represents a decision you haven’t made yet or a pending job. This constant reminder of work to be done makes it harder to unwind.
  • Feeling Overwhelmed: A cluttered space can feel overwhelming and make you feel like you don’t even know where to even begin. This feeling of being out of control can be a major source of anxiety.
  • Lost Time and Frustration: Wasting time searching for things lost in the clutter can be incredibly frustrating and lead to stress.
  • Guilt and Shame: Clutter can cause feelings of guilt and shame, especially if you worry about what others might think.

How Clutter Affects Your Ability to Focus

We are wired to naturally crave a calm environment. Your brain wants to be able to process everything around you, but clutter bombards your vision with stimuli, making it harder to filter out distractions and focus on the task at hand. This constant mental juggling act leads to decreased concentration and increased stress, which can seriously hinder your ability to concentrate effectively.

And even our memory is affected by clutter! The constant visual barrage of clutter overwhelms our working memory, making it harder to focus and filter out distractions. While we often think that some of us are naturally tidier or messy, a 2011 study found a physical link between clutter and improved focus, information processing, and productivity across the board in a range of individuals.

Clutter and Your Mental Clarity

Ever feel paralysed by indecision when you’re looking at your overflowing drawers or messy desk? It’s not just your imagination. Clutter can be a major roadblock to clear decision-making. Here’s why:

  • Decision Fatigue: Clutter represents a constant stream of unmade choices. Every overflowing drawer and cluttered shelf reminds you of the countless decisions to be made. This decision fatigue depletes your mental resources and makes it harder to focus on the important decisions at hand.
  • Information Overload: Visual clutter is like a downpour of information for your brain. It creates a chaotic environment and makes it hard to filter out distractions and focus on the specific details that you need to consider for good decision-making.
  • Loss of Control: A cluttered space can make you feel like you’ve lost control over your life. This makes it so much harder to come to clear and rational decisions. For many of us, the easiest way out is to procrastinate or jump to impulsive choices just to escape the feeling of being bogged down.

76 Guan Chuan Bedroom

76 Guan Chuan

How Clutter Affects Your Sleep

Ever toss and turn all night then wake up feeling unrested? Your messy surroundings might be to blame! Keep reading to see how clutter disrupts your sleep.

  • Visual Stimulation: Clutter gives your brain endless visual stimuli even when you’re trying to wind down. This constant visual noise makes it harder to relax and drift off.
  • Stressful Environment: A cluttered space feels chaotic and overwhelming. This can trigger stress hormones that keep you wired and alert.
  • Sleep Disruptions: If you have enough clutter, you might have even created physical barriers. This makes it harder for your brain to go into autopilot and do your bedroom routine.

How a Messy Space Impacts Your Mood

A messy space can be a real downer on your mood, and it’s not just about aesthetics. Here’s why clutter can negatively impact your emotional well-being:

  • Visual Overload: Clutter bombards your senses with visual stimuli, creating a chaotic environment. This constant stimulation can be mentally draining and lead to feelings of frustration and anxiety.
  • Negative Associations: You probably associate clutter with negative emotions like stress and procrastination. When you see a messy space, it can trigger these negative feelings, bringing down your mood.
  • Lost Time and Wasted Energy: Wasting time searching for lost items can be a major source of frustration. This constant feeling of inefficiency can sap your energy and leave you feeling drained and irritable.
  • Social Isolation: If the clutter in your home is out of control, it can become a barrier between you and those that you love. From causing arguments at home to creating a sense of hesitation before you invite people over, a messy space often has a domino effect.

The Link Between Clutter and Efficiency

Imagine a desk overflowing with papers, coffee cups stacking up day after day, and a stapler that has been MIA for months. Research shows this clutter chaos isn’t just an eyesore – it’s a productivity killer. Disorganised workspaces can trigger stress, hinder focus, and lead to wasted time on lost item hunts.

A recent study of 2,000 UK office workers investigated the effects of a disorganised desk on various aspects of life and found a surprisingly profound effect. Keep reading if you’re looking for inspiration to finally clear your desk.

  • Productivity Plummets: A messy desk can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and difficulty focusing.
  • Perception is Reality: Studies show people with messy desks are perceived as being more disorganised, less agreeable, and even neurotic.
  • Financially Fitness: Believe it or not, a messy desk can even impact your wallet. Disorganisation can lead to misplaced bills and missed deadlines, potentially resulting in late fees.
  • Promotion Roadblock: While a messy desk might not directly hold you back from a promotion, the negative perceptions it creates could. After all, if you can’t keep your workspace tidy, can you be trusted with bigger responsibilities?

How a Dirty, Clutter Home Affects Your Health

Your home should be a haven for relaxation and rejuvenation, but a dirty, cluttered space can harbour hidden dangers to your physical health. Here’s how:

  • Allergy and Asthma Triggers: Dust mites, mould, and allergens thrive in cluttered spaces. A dirty home can worsen your allergy and asthma symptoms, and create respiratory issues like coughing, wheezing, and difficulty breathing.
  • Increased Risk of Illness: Germs and bacteria spread more easily in a cluttered, dirty environment. This can increase your risk of catching a cold, the flu, and other illnesses. On top of that, dirty spaces are often home to harmful bacteria that can cause foodborne illnesses. Even if you are cleaning your space regularly, dangers can lurk in those spots that stay stacked with clutter.
  • Sleep Disruption and Health Risks: As you already know, poor air quality and clutter can disrupt your night. This lack of restful sleep can weaken your immune system and make you more susceptible to illness. On top of that, a lack of sleep impacts your body’s ability to heal and recover. Worse yet, chronically disrupted sleep has also been linked to an increased risk of chronic health problems like heart disease and obesity.

21 Butterworth living room

21 Butterworth

Spiritual Benefits of Decluttering

In the wave of Marie Kondo-inspired tidying and Feng Shui home guides, you have probably noticed that many people are experiencing the effects of a clean home on a deeper level. Here’s how:

  • Letting Go and Simplicity: Decluttering encourages us to let go of material possessions that no longer serve us. This act of detachment can extend to emotional baggage and negative thoughts, which brings a sense of inner peace and freedom.
  • Increased Clarity and Focus: Physical clutter creates mental clutter. By decluttering, you design a calmer and more organised environment, allowing your mind to focus on what truly matters.
  • Connection to the Divine: Many spiritual traditions emphasise the importance of a simple life. Decluttering can create a more sacred space in your home, which makes room for you to develop a deeper connection with your higher power or spiritual practice.
  • Energy Flow and Balance: Some people believe that stagnant energy can accumulate in cluttered spaces. Decluttering allows for improved energy flow, creating a more harmonious and balanced environment conducive to spiritual growth.
  • Gratitude and Appreciation: Decluttering often involves reevaluating our possessions. This process can cultivate gratitude for what we truly value and inspire us to appreciate the things that bring joy to our lives.

Feng Shui Benefits of Decluttering

For centuries, Feng Shui has focused on creating harmonious living spaces through the flow of positive energy, or chi. Decluttering plays a vital role in this philosophy, offering a surprising range of benefits.

  • Enhanced Chi Flow: Clutter is seen as a major obstacle to the smooth flow of chi. By decluttering, you remove stagnant energy and create pathways for positive energy to circulate freely.
  • Inviting Balance and Calmness: A cluttered space creates visual chaos and that affects your sense of balance and tranquillity. Decluttering instantly creates a more serene environment where you can relax and find a sense of peace within your home.
  • Strengthening Your Intentions: In Feng Shui, each room in your home has a specific energy associated with it. Keeping these areas clutter-free allows you to focus your intentions more clearly.
  • Symbolism and Manifestation: Clutter is linked to holding onto negativity or the past in Feng Shui. Decluttering helps you to let go of these burdens and create space for new opportunities to manifest in your life.
  • Mind-Body Connection: Feng Shui is all about the connection between your environment and your well-being. Decluttering not only creates a more positive physical space but also promotes a clearer and more focused mind.

Benefits of Decluttering Clothes

We often think of a clean home as one with clear countertops and tidy floors. But the truth is, clutter can creep in unsuspected places – and our closets are prime offenders! Here’s why decluttering your clothes goes way beyond aesthetics.

  • Reduced Decision Fatigue: Every morning, staring into a closet overflowing with clothes can feel overwhelming. Decluttering helps you curate a wardrobe with only the pieces you love and wear. This eliminates decision fatigue and makes it easier to get dressed quickly and confidently.
  • Rediscovering Forgotten Gems: How many hidden treasures are buried in the back of your wardrobe? Decluttering allows you to rediscover clothes you might have forgotten.
  • Boosting Confidence and Self-Esteem: Stepping into a closet filled with clothes that fit well and reflect your personal style can do wonders for your confidence. Getting rid of pieces that you don’t love helps you create a wardrobe that makes you feel good every single day.
  • Saving Time and Money: Wasting time searching for clothes in a cluttered closet is a daily frustration. Decluttering helps you find what you need quickly and save precious time in the mornings. Best of all, you might rediscover old favourites instead of buying new clothes, saving you money in the long run.
  • A More Sustainable Wardrobe: The fashion industry has a massive environmental impact. Decluttering helps you to be more mindful of your clothing choices and invest in quality pieces that will last longer.

464B Clementi kitchen

464B Clementi

How to Get Rid of Clutter

Feeling inspired to finally tackle that clutter? Here are some practical tips to help you tackle clutter and create a calmer, more organised space:

  • Set Realistic Goals: Don’t try to declutter your entire home in one day. Start small and set realistic goals, like clearing out a single drawer or shelf every day. This will help you make progress without feeling overwhelmed.
  • The Power of the Purge: Embrace the “toss, donate, or keep” mentality. Be ruthless and discard anything broken, unused, or pieces that no longer bring you joy. If something is in good condition and you feel guilty getting rid of it, consider donating or selling it.
  • The “One-Touch” Rule: When handling an item, deal with it immediately. Decide to keep it, toss it, or find a home for it. Never put things down to deal with later. It only creates clutter and problems for your future self.
  • Categorise and Contain: Once you’ve decluttered, categorise the remaining items and find storage solutions. Baskets, bins, and shelves can help keep things organised and prevent clutter from spreading — just make sure that every storage solution has a specific purpose so that it doesn’t just become a collection of miscellaneous items.
  • Remember that Everything Needs a Home: Assign a designated spot for everything you own. This makes it easier to find what you need and prevents clutter from resurfacing.
  • Declutter Regularly: Schedule regular decluttering sessions to prevent clutter from accumulating again. A weekly or monthly decluttering session can help maintain a tidy space.
  • Start Small and Celebrate Big: Even small decluttering victories deserve recognition. Celebrate your progress, no matter how big or small. This will keep you motivated and on track.

Remember, decluttering is a journey, not a destination. Be patient with yourself, celebrate your progress, and enjoy the sense of calm and accomplishment that comes with a clutter-free space.

Final Thoughts

By tackling the clutter in your home, you’re not just creating a more aesthetically pleasing space. You’re taking a step towards a healthier and happier you! From improved mental clarity and better sleep to reduced stress and a more positive mood, the benefits of decluttering are far-reaching. So, embrace the challenges and get ready to experience the transformative power of a clutter-free life!

For more home decor and organisation inspiration, explore our gallery of gorgeous Singapore homes